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Environmental Engineering Research 1996;1(2): 99-106.
Attrition of Lime (CaO) and Its Effects on Sulfur Dioxide Removal in a Dry Sorbent Injection Scrubber
Sang-Kwun Lee, and Jang-Pyo Cheong
1Dept. of Environmental Engineering and Science, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
2Dept of Envtonmental Engineering, Kyungsung University
Corresponding Author: Sang-Kwun Lee ,
Received: July 8, 1996;  Accepted: September 8, 1996.
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The experimental data of lime sorbent attrition obtained from attrition tests in a dry sorbent injection scrubber are represented. With an introduction of the minimum weight of parent solids in a reactor, the attrition rate of lime has a first order dependency with respect to time. The results are interpreted as both the weight-based attrition rate and size-based attrition rate with a first order model. The weight-based attrition rate constants obtained from a first order model are 0.0018 min-1 for the lime of 903 /m in mass mean diameter (MMD) at the gas velocity of 2 m/sec, and 0.0055 min-1 for the lime of 1,764 pm in MMD at the gas velocity of 4 m/sec. The experimental data obtained from attrition tests in a fluidized bed absorber agree well with the attrition model and the model indicates the weight of lime solids approaches to a minimum weight during fluidization. In addition, the maximum extent of attrition was observed when the SO2 removal efficiency was at a maximum.
Keywords: Lime | SO2 | Particle | Attrition | Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) | Fluidization
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