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Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(2): 83-93.
Changes in Size Distributions of Lime Sorbents during Fluidization
Sang-Kwun Lee, and Tim C. Keener
1Dept. of Environmental Engineering and Science, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
2Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Cincinnati
Corresponding Author: Sang-Kwun Lee ,
Received: July 13, 1996;  Accepted: March 12, 1997.
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An unsteady state population model is represented to predict the changes in size distribution of bed materials during fluidization. The unsteady state population model is verified experimentally. Change of lime size at two different velocities is examined with the model. The solid size distributions predicted by the model agree well with the corresponding experimental size distributions. Ib addition, the computational results showed that the decreasing rate of the mass mean diameter at the lower velocity (2 m/s) is greater than that at the higher velocity (4 m/s). The model may be applicable for the batch and continuous operations of fluidized beds in which the solid size reduction is predominantly resulted from attrition and elutriation. Such significance of the mechanical attrition and elutriatdon is frequently seen in a fast fluidized bed as well as in a circulating fluidized bed.
Keywords: lime | SO2 | Particle | Attrition | Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) | Fluidization
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