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Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(1): 51-59.
The Impact of NOM Preloading on DCE Adsorption Behavior
Seongho Hong
Department of Chemical Engineering, Soongsil University
Corresponding Author: Seongho Hong ,
Received: October 7, 1996;  Accepted: December 6, 1996.
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The presence of NOM was shown to have a significant impact on the adsorption of cis-l,2-dichloroethene (DCE). Coadsorption and preexposing of GAC to NOM solution decreased the residual adsorption capacity for DCE as a single solute Backwashing the GAC during preloading with NOM had no impact on the residual adsorption capacity for DCE. Backwashing had a big impact on the breakthrough of DCE under continuous feed and single solute conditions. The experimental data of non-backwashed and backwashed columns were well simulated by the PSDM. The shock loading with NOM and the capacity was reduced, both the non-backwashed and backwashed column were able to control the shock loading by attenuating the peak DCE concentration. The results preloaded GAC from the RSSCT were similar to those found for GAC from the pilot and full-scale adsorbers. The residual capacity was found to decrease with operation time, expressed as throughput
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