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Environmental Engineering Research 1998;3(3): 175-182.
NO Decomposition on Metal-incorporated Microporous Materials
Misook Kang1, Myeong-Heon Um2, and Tomoyuki Inui3
1Department of Chemical Engineering, Dankook University, San 8, Hannam-dong, Youngsan-ku, Seoul 140-714, Korea
2Department of Industrial Chemistry, Cheonan National Technical College, Cheonan 330-240, Korea
3Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606-01, Japan
Corresponding Author: Misook Kang ,
Received: June 9, 1998;  Accepted: September 10, 1998.
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This study has been a focus on NO decomposition on metal-incorporated SAPO-34(MeAPSO-34) under the reaction condition of oxygen presence with various hydrocarbons. Used materials with various transition metal ions were synthesized by rapid crystallization method. As a result in characteristics, these materials were attained as a uniformly regular form with sharp distribution in particle size. The performances for NO decomposition on these materials were exhibited variously according to the properties of metals. As a surprising result, the NO decomposition on the metal incorporated materials was enhanced compared with on the non-metal material. In particular, the Ni-incorporated SAPO-34 material exhibited good performance in NO conversion with presence of CsHe at high temperature, and that on FeAPSO-34 increased at low temperature. In addition, it was confirmed that their performance for NO decomposition has closely influenced on hydrocarbon species.
Keywords: NO Decomposition | Metal-incorporated SAPO-34 | Hydrocarbon Species
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