Environmental Engineering Research 1999;4(3): 231-238.
Seok-Oh Ko† |
Environmental Research Team, Daewoo Institute of Construction Technology |
Corresponding Author:
Seok-Oh Ko , |
Received: June 14, 1999; Accepted: August 15, 1999. |
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The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of electrokinclic (IK) remedia¬tion of hydrophobic organic contaminants (IIOC's) using solubility enhancing materials. I ly droy propy I--cyclodcxlrin tlll'CI)) was selected as a suitable surfactant for use in experiments.
the initial pi I of kaolinite specimen determined the initial eleetroosmotic flow (HOI I rate through the column. As the FK experiment progressed, low pll was predominant oer most of the kaolinite specimen and thus resulted in very low mass How. fhe pll control of the anode region with a buffer was attempted to minimi/e decreases in the FOF rule; for these experiments, a high KOI was maintained when the buffer solution was used to purge the anode region. The FK experiments using IIK'I) solutions showed higher HOC removal rates, fhe removal efficiency was proportional to lll't'l) concentration: however, longer FK operation times without pll control was not benelleial because of the very low HOI- and charge How observed after 3 days, fhe experiment using I IPC J) prepared in the buffer solution showed consistently high HOI rate and. as a result, a high HOC removal rate may be achieved.
eleclrokinetic. eleetorosmotie flow | hydrophobic organic contaminants | cyclodcxlrin | pH |