Seog-Ku Kim1†, Mi-Hee Kang1, and Jong-Oh Kim2 |
1Water Resources and Environmental Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, 2311 Daehwa-dong, Ilsan-gu, Koyang, Kyonggi-do 411-712, Korea 2Department of Civil Engineering, Kangnung National University, 123 Jibyeon-dong, Kangneung, Kangwon-do 210-702, Korea |
Corresponding Author:
Seog-Ku Kim ,Tel: +82-31-9100-300, Fax: +82-31-9100-291, Email: sgkim@kict.re.kr |
Received: January 6, 2002; Accepted: July 7, 2002. |
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The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of a leachate management system using sulfur circulation type for the early stabilization of waste landfill. The following research points with pilot plant were focused on; 1) the characteristics of denitrification, 2) sulfide oxidation for sulfate recovery, and 3) nitrification by aerating discharged leachate. We found when sulfate (SO*2 ) was added in leachate, sulfate reduction bacteria decompose organic matter by using SO4"" as an electron acceptor and simultaneously sulfur oxidation-denitrification bacteria use sulfides (H2S, HS S2") as electron donors, therefore, two species of microorganisms can exist not competitively but through commensalism relation on substrate utilization. During aeration, the concentration of NO3 -N increased from near zero up to 470 mg/L. Eventual denitrification efficiency in the simulated waste landfill was observed to be approximately 16%. Sulfate reduction bacteria produced S2" and sulfur oxidation bacteria oxidized S2~ to SO42" through aeration. Thus, it is possible that when the system is applied to actual landfill, the dosage of sulfate can be reduced by the recovery of available sulfate. This system was thought to be effective and applicable for the leachate treatment in waste landfill as well as for the early stabilization of landfill site. |
landfill stabilization | leachate recirculation | sulfate reduction | sulfur oxidation | sulfur-based denitrification |