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Environmental Engineering Research 2011;16(4): 213-218. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2011.16.4.213
Nutrient Removal Using Fermented Organic Acids Derived from the Primary Sludge in the Intermittent Aeration Activated Sludge Process
Seung-Yeon Weon1, Sang-Il Lee1, and Chan-Won Lee2
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, Korea
2Department of Urban Environmental Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 631-701, Korea
Corresponding Author: Chan-Won Lee ,Tel: +82-55-2492247, Fax: +82-505-999-2131, Email: water@kyungnam.ac.kr
Received: July 15, 2010;  Accepted: November 25, 2011.
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The two-stage intermittent aeration activated sludge process (IAP) and dynamic-flow intermittent aeration activated sludge process (DFP) were investigated for the nutrient removal of domestic wastewater. Three sets of IAP and one set of DFP were operated. The fermented settled sludge taken from the primary settling tank was added to two IAP and one DFP as an external electron donor, with one IAP, in which an external carbon source was not added, as a control. All the systems were operated at a sludge retention time of 20 days and a hydraulic retention time of 12 hr. A Higher denitrification rate was observed with the fermented settled sludge for the denitrification compared to the process without the addition of the organic source. The result indicates that the fermented acid from the primary domestic sludge has been proved to be an excellent electron donor for denitrification and biological phosphorus removal with IAP and DFP in treating relatively low C/N ratio(Carbon / Nitrogen ratio) wastewater. Phosphate accumulating organisms have a capability of competing with denitrifiers in the presence of volatile organic acids under anoxic conditions.
Keywords: Denitrification | Dynamic-flow intermittent aeration | Electron donor | Fermented acids | Phosphate accumulating organisms | Two-stage intermittent aeration
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