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Environmental Engineering Research 2011;16(3): 159-164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2011.16.3.159
Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide and Siloxane on Landfill Gas Utility Facilities
Sangchul Nam1, Kwang-Beom Hur2, and Nam-Hoon Lee3
1Department of Advanced Technology Fusion, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Korea
2Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Daejeon 305-706, Korea
3Department of Environmental Engineering, Anyang University, Anyang 430-714, Korea
Corresponding Author: Nam-Hoon Lee ,Tel: +82-31-467-0891, Fax: +82-31-467-0789, Email: nhlee@anyang.ac.kr
Received: May 18, 2011;  Accepted: July 25, 2011.
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This study examined the emission characteristics of impure gas-like hydrogen sulfide and siloxane contained in landfill gas (LFG) and investigated the effect of impure gas on LFG utility facilities. As a result of an LFG component analysis from eight landfills in the same environment, hydrogen sulfide averaged 436 ppmv (22–1,211 ppmv), and the concentration of total siloxane averaged 7.95 mg/ m3 (1.85–21.18 mg/m3). In case of siloxane concentration by component, the ratio of D4 (average 3.79 mg/m3) and D5 (average 2.64 mg/ m3) indicated the highest level. Different kinds of scales were found on the gas air heater (GAH) and inside the boiler. The major component of scale from the GAH was Fe2O3 of 38.5%, and it was caused by hydrogen sulfide. Other scale was found on the bottom and the wall of the boiler and the scale was silicon dioxide of 92.8% and 98.9%. The silicon dioxide scale was caused by combustion of siloxane. As a result of a scanning electron microscopy analysis, the structure of the silicon dioxide scale from the boiler was an immediate filamentous type. Consequently, as silicon dioxide scale is bulky, such bad effects were worsening, as an interruption in heat conduction, increase in fuel consumption, damage to the boiler by overheating, and clogged emission pipeline could occur in LFG utility facilities.
Keywords: Effect | Hydrogen sulfide | Landfill gas | Siloxane | Utility facilities
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