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Environmental Engineering Research 1997;2(4): 233-243.
Migration of Volatile Organic Compounds from the Landfill Liner Systems
Jae Young Kim
Division of Civil, Urban & Geosystem Engineering (Urban Engineering Major), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 151-742
Corresponding Author: Jae Young Kim ,
Received: July 6, 1997;  Accepted: November 6, 1997.
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Due to the low attenuation capacity of soil liners, high diffusion rates through geomembranes, and the health hazards at low concentration levels, long-term migration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) remains as a concern for the currently accepted solid waste landfill liner systems. In order to estimate the migration of VOCs from the liner system, a mathematical model was developed. The breakthrough concentrations and cumulative discharged amounts of VOCs from two types of liner systems regulated in Korea were estimated using the model developed. The cumulative discharged amount of a contaminant was considered to be a more appropriate measure to evaluate the performance of the liner systems than the DreaJcthrough concentration of the ccctaminant The soil organic carbon content in liner soil material and hydraulic gradient were selected and evaluated as the most important factors for the performance of liner system. The cumulative discharged amount of an organic compound was pretty sensitive to the soil-water partition coefficient of the compound It was also shown that the composite liner system may have better performance at the accidentally increased hydraulic gradient than the soil liner system. It was found that the results of comparative study between liner systems depends on the target compound and the concerned period.
Keywords: Breakthrough | Composite liner | Cumulative discharged amount | Diffusion | Geomembranes | Partitioning | Soil liner | Solid waste landfills | Sorption | Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
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