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Environmental Engineering Research 2012;17(3): 139-144. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2012.17.3.139
Effects of Aerobic and Non-Aerobic Starvation on SBR Performance When Treating Saline Wastewater
Byung-Hyun Moon1, Kyung-Hun Park1, Sang-Soo Kim2, and Cho-Hee Yoon3
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon 641-773, Korea
2Water Environment Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research, Incheon 404-170, Korea
3Department of Urban Environmental Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 631-701, Korea
Corresponding Author: Cho-Hee Yoon ,Tel: +82-55-249-2663, Fax: +82-55-999-2166, Email: chyoon@kyungnam.ac.kr
Received: July 13, 2012;  Accepted: August 2, 2012.
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In this study, the effects of starvation on floc characteristics when treating saline wastewater using a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) were investigated. The effectiveness over 5 days of starvation for aerobic and non-aerobic strategies for maintaining the physical characteristics of floc-forming sludge and the recovery period needed to regain the initial pollutant removal efficiency were investigated. Experiment results revealed that the sludge volume index (SVI) increased and the floc size and fractal dimension decreased after starvation under both aerobic and non-aerobic conditions. Sludge settleability deteriorated faster under aerobic conditions compared to non-aerobic conditions. Under non-aerobic conditions, the SBR required less time to return to its initial pollutant removal efficiency and settleability. Floc size, fractal dimension, and SVI were observed to be fairly correlated with each other. The results demonstrated that it was better to maintain the sludge under non-aerobic rather than aerobic starvation, because it adapted to, resisted starvation and had a quicker re-start afterward.
Keywords: Floc characteristics | Fractal dimension | Recovery time | Sequencing batch reactor | Starvation
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